
4 Tips for September Savings Header Image

Finish Your Financial Year Strong

September 5, 2023

September signifies a true time of change. As the weather starts to cool down and the season begins to turn, there's no better time to take a pause and take stock of your savings goals. Summer can often be a time where budgets and practical spending take a backseat, but the present is the perfect time to get back on track. Regardless of how the past few months may have impacted your savings goals, Community Bank is here with products, insights and advice to help get you back on track.

4 Savings Tips to Get You Started  

There are so many tried-and-true savings strategies, but here are some of our favorites:

  • Set Savings Goals – We all know that it’s important to save, but without an end-goal in mind, it can be difficult to keep yourself accountable. Whether it’s a new laptop, a new car or a new house, create achievable goals with milestones along the way to make sure your saving stays on track.
  • Automate Transfers – One of the easiest ways to save money is to do it right away. No matter what the amount is, set up an automatic transfer every payday to put cash in the right place and keep it secure.
  • Make Grocery Lists – Pre-planning your meals and making a complete grocery list can keep you from wandering the aisles and ending up with more than you really needed. These days, most stores also allow you to do all of your shopping on their app and pickup for free. This is another great way to help avoid buying things you don’t really need. Bonus Tip - Never shop hungry! It’ll help keep the unnecessary (and usually unhealthy) items out of your cart!
  • The 30 Rule – These days, we’re so used to 2-day shipping and the instant gratification that comes from having things now. For non-essential purchases, make yourself wait a little bit! If after 30 days you still find yourself longing for it, then go ahead and treat yourself – as long as it fits within your budget, of course.

Better Ways to Save with CBLA

Here at Community Bank, we offer several different savings accounts and tools to help make your savings goals come true and keep your family on firm-financial ground. Here’s a few of our options that may be just perfect for you:

  • Extra Interest Savings – Earns more interest and makes your money work for you, achieving your goals faster.
  • Young Savers – Encourages your young ones to start saving early and build a firm financial foundation.
  • Christmas Club – Keeps Christmas in control by allowing deposits all year long and paying out on October 1st to get a head start on holiday shopping.
  • Vacation Club – Makes your summer getaway more getable, allowing deposits all year long and paying out on May 1st.

Whatever your savings goals may be, Community Bank is always here to lend a hand. Just reach out or stop by your local branch, we’d love to talk more about what successful saving looks like for you and your family.